1. KMS Auto Activato: Download the Zip file, then that time turn off virus protection.
Password: 12345 and they will open and install it's activator and after complete restart your PC's.
check your windows or Microsoft office work or not,they are not working anything you will we ask me.

2. Winrar :  it is data compression software. it allows you to compress large file to extract compress file

3. Windows 7 Loader :
  • First of all click on the download button Above.
  • Then you will be redirected to our download page.
  • There you can see a download button available.
  • Click on that download button and wait for a few seconds.
  • Now it will ask you where you want to save it. Choose your desired location and click on download now.
  •  It will take a few minutes to download. (Depends on your internet speed).
  • You will get a zip file, extract that file and it will ask you for a password.
  • You can find the password in the download page
  • That’s all now you have successfully downloaded it on your computer. that time turn off virus protection. and they will open and install it's activator and after complete restart your PC's